Tuesday, December 14, 2010

no subject

tibe2 aku xde 'hati' nk menulis sedangkan dalam kpala ade byk sgt bnda y aku nk luahkan..
no star can shine with the broken heart.. (salah 1 dialog dlm salah 1 ceta fevret aku, STARDUST)
aku x lah ibarat kan diri aku ni bintang tp ape y aku cuba nk bangkitkan kt sini ialah maksud ayat tu..

hmmm.. wat masa skang ni hati aku tiada.. so, it takes also my happiness, craziness n couples of my warm feeling n emotion with it. by now, i felt kinda lost. felt like i'm holding a very big hole in my chest.. 
hates this feeling..so much. ~sigh..

aku harap aku akn dpt blk hati aku y hilang tu.. i'm dying to have it back. please return sweetHEART..

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